Image of Air Heater sootblower
Air Heater

Clyde Industries offer two types of cleaners

  • RS-A Single Medium Cleaner(partial or full retractable)
  • RS-A Multi Medium cleaner (partial or full retractable)

Both designs utilize the reliable and efficient Model RS dual rack and pinion platform, which are proven by thousands of installations.

RS-A Single
Media Cleaner
RS-A Single Media Cleaner
  • The RS-A Single Medium Air Preheater Cleaner is designed to use air or steam for cleaning
  • The RS-A Single Media Cleaner is typically designed as a half-track or third-track to insure maximum coverage and cleanliness in the shortest period of time. Full tractable RS-A Single Media Cleaner is also available
RS-A Multi Media Cleaner
RS-A Multi
Media Cleaner
  • The RS-A multi media cleaner differentiates itself by employing a high pressure water line external to the steam lance
  • This additional medium, water, is used to remove the sticky deposits formed form ammonium bisulfate.
  • In addition to removing these sticky deposits, the RS-A Multimedia cleaner can be used to eliminate or minimize the need for off line water washing.
  • The RS-A Multi Medium Air Preheater Cleaner is designed to deliver air, steam, low pressure water or high pressure water as dictated by the cleanliness of the air preheater.
  • The RS-A Multimedia Cleaner is typically designed as a half-track or third-track to insure maximum coverage and cleanliness in the shortest period of time. Full tractable RS-A Multimedia Cleaner is also available


Diagram of cleaning process